
Posted by Yuankun Li on 2022-11-08




Command 功能 Mode
:u0 reset first to undo all changes
u undo normal mode
w move forward one word (next alphanumeric word)
5w move forward five words
b move backward one word (previous alphanumeric word)
5b move backward five
shift+6 (^) 移动到行头 C2
shift+4 ($) 移动到行尾 C3
数字+shift+g 移动到目标行,数字为行号
:30 normal mode Type :30 to jump to line 30
gg 到文件头部
G 到文件尾部
dd 删除当前行
[n]d + Enter 删除n+1行,2d然后Enter, 删除当前行在内之后的3行。
[n]dd + Enter Cut n行,2d然后Enter, 删除当前行在内之后的2行。
yy or Y 复制整行文本。
3yy 复制3整行文本。
yw Copy to the start of next word
p 在光标之后粘贴。
P 在光标之前粘贴。


Mode Description
Normal Default mode for navigation and manipulation of text and it can always be activated by pressing Esc
Insert Used for inserting/manipulating the text by using all keyboard keys. Not any Normal mode commands is active in this mode
Visual Used for navigation and manipulation of text selections. Allows the use of most Normal mode commands on selected text

mode transfer

Insert mode

Command Description Mode
i 进入insert-mode
o Insert new line below the current line 进入insert-mode
O Insert new line above the current line 进入insert-mode
a Append after cursor 进入insert-mode
A Append at end of line 进入insert-mode
s Delete the character cursor is currently on 进入insert-mode
C Delete all after cursor position 进入insert-mode


Press Keyboard Mode 作用
Esc 返回normal mode normal mode is default mode
:x command-mode save and quit
:wq command-mode same as :x
:q command-mode quit
:q! command-mode force quit
:set number command-mode to show the line numbers
:30 normal mode Type :30 to jump to line 30 You can move to a line by just entering the line number in normal mode
:goto 700 normal mode jump directly to a character in a file. Type :goto 700 to jump to 第700个character
Press Keyboard Mode 作用
/ search forward type /search string and press enter. Press n to jump to the next occurrence or N to jump to the previous occurrence
/\<searchword\> search forward search the whole word,here is “is”. 例如文件里"list is"的list不会match,只有is会被搜索到。
/searchword Vim allows us to start a search for the current word that the cursor is pointing. 搜索光标所在的单词。Type /li and press Enter Now, press * (asterisk) to search the entire word which is line in our case. You can also press # (hash) to search backwards
? search backward
:s/old/new 用new替换当前行第一个old。
:s/old/new/i 忽略大小写,Ignore Case。用new替换当前行第一个old。
:s/old/new/g 用new替换当前行所有的old。
:%s/old/new/g 用new替换文件中所有的old。

Search Ignore Case

By default search is case-insensitive. It is possible to ignore case in a search by adding \c to the end of your search string

Type / to enable search mode and type this

It won’t return any results

Type / again and type this\c this time and notice that search finds string This which has a capital letter

You can also ignore case indefinitely for the current session

Type :set ignorecase or :set ic

To revert it back, Type :set noignorecase or :set noic

To make it default for vim, you need to add it to ~/.vimrc file

Press Esc and type :q! to quit without saving

navigate in a file Shortcut Key Function
enter ]] or G To get to the last line
enter [[ or gg To get to the first line
$ moves the cursor to the end of the line
^ moves the cursor to the first non-empty character of the line
w move forward one word (next alphanumeric word)
W move forward one word (delimited by a white space)
5w move forward five words
b move backward one word (previous alphanumeric word)
B move backward one word (delimited by a white space)
5b move backward five words
Ctrl + f moves the cursor one page down
Ctrl + b moves the cursor one page up
h moves the cursor one character to the left
j or Ctrl + J moves the cursor down one line
k or Ctrl + P moves the cursor up one line
l moves the cursor one character to the right
0 moves the cursor to the beginning of the line


Type 3d and press Enter to delete the first 4 lines. Notice that deleting is a 0 indexed operation with d command so try with 1d and notice that it will remove 2 lines below

Type D to remove the content of the line but not the line itself

Delete all lines in Vim

Type gg to get to first line
Type dG to clear the file completely

Command Description
dd 删除当前行
[n]d + Enter 删除n+1行,2d然后Enter, 删除当前行在内之后的3行。deleting is a 0 indexed operation with d command so try with 1d and notice that it will remove 2 lines below
d<left-arrow> Delete current and left character
d<right-arrow> Delete current and right character
d<up-arrow> Delete current and upper line
d<down-arrow> Delete current and bottom line
d$ Delete from current position to end of line
d^ Delete from current backward to first character
dO Delete from current backward to beginning of line
dw Delete current to end of current word
db Delete current to beginning of current word

Copy, Cut & Paste

ress Esc and type yy to copy the line (y is short for yank)

Type :2 to jump to line 2 and type p to paste the content to line 3

Repeat the operation by pressing dd to cut a line and p to paste the content

Type :u0 to undo all changes since opening to reset

Type :4 and get to line 4 and type 3yy to copy the current and next 2 lines

Type gg to get to the top and type P to paste these 3 lines before the cursor

Replace 3yy with 3dd to cut instead of copy and reply the operation if you wish

Command Description
y$ Copy all from current to end of line
y^ Copy all from current to start of line
yw Copy to the start of next word
yiw Copy the current word



To indent multiple lines using vim you should set the shiftwidth using :set shiftwidth=2.
Then mark multiple lines using Shift v and the up/down keys.
To then indent the marked lines press Shift + > or < and to repeat the action press .

Comment out multiple lines

You’ll often need to comment/uncomment multiple lines in a config file. You can perform this operation conveniently in Visual mode
Type gg to get to top and press Shift + V to activate Visual mode in block mode and notice that all text in the current line is selected

Type 2j or use down-arrow key to select the first 3 lines

Type :s/^/# to replace the first character with #


Make a reset first to undo all changes by typing :u0

Make sure you are on top or type gg to get to the beginning of file

Press Shift + V to activate Visual mode in block mode

Press G to select all text

Type :sort ui and notice that the text is sorted


+或Enter: 把光标移至下一行第一个非空白字符。
-: 把光标移至上一行第一个非空白字符。
w: 前移一个单词,光标停在下一个单词开头;
W: 移动下一个单词开头,但忽略一些标点;
e: 前移一个单词,光标停在下一个单词末尾;
E: 移动到下一个单词末尾,如果词尾有标点,则移动到标点;
b: 后移一个单词,光标停在上一个单词开头;
B: 移动到上一个单词开头,忽略一些标点;


[n]x: 剪切光标右边n个字符,相当于d[n]l。
[n]X: 剪切光标左边n个字符,相当于d[n]h。
y: 复制在可视模式下选中的文本。
yy or Y: 复制整行文本。
y[n]w: 复制一(n)个词。
y[n]l: 复制光标右边1(n)个字符。
y[n]h: 复制光标左边1(n)个字符。
y$: 从光标当前位置复制到行尾。
y0: 从光标当前位置复制到行首。
:m,ny 复制m行到n行的内容。
y1G或ygg: 复制光标以上的所有行。
yG: 复制光标以下的所有行。
d: 删除(剪切)在可视模式下选中的文本。
d$ or D: 删除(剪切)当前位置到行尾的内容。
d[n]w: 删除(剪切)1(n)个单词
d[n]l: 删除(剪切)光标右边1(n)个字符。
d[n]h: 删除(剪切)光标左边1(n)个字符。
d0: 删除(剪切)当前位置到行首的内容
p: 在光标之后粘贴。
P: 在光标之前粘贴。


/something: 在后面的文本中查找something。
?something: 在前面的文本中查找something。
n: 向后查找下一个。
N: 向前查找下一个。
:s/old/new - 用new替换当前行第一个old。
:s/old/new/g - 用new替换当前行所有的old。
:%s/old/new/g - 用new替换文件中所有的old。



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